Flutter and Dart Training in OMR Chennai
Greens Technology provides Flutter and Dart training in Chennai to professionals and corporates with Certification and Placements. We offer real-world Flutter and Dart Course in Chennai. For details call us at 89399-25577 or walk into our Flutter and Dart Training Center in Adyar, Velachery, OMR & Anna nagar.
In this Flutter and Dart Course in Chennai, you’ll learn how to use Flutter to quickly develop high-quality, interactive mobile applications for iOS and Android devices. Whether you’re just getting started with mobile app development, or experienced with other mobile app frameworks, you’ll enjoy the high-velocity development and quality apps that Flutter enables.
Flutter is Google’s mobile app SDK for crafting high-quality native interfaces on iOS and Android in record time.
Flutter works with existing code, is used by developers and organizations around the world, and is free and open source.
Why Dart?
Developers at Google and elsewhere use Dart to create high-quality, mission-critical apps for iOS, Android, and the web. With features aimed at client-side development, Dart is a great fit for both mobile and web apps.
Dart’s syntax is clear and concise, its tooling simple yet powerful. Sound typing helps you to identify subtle errors early. Dart has battle-hardened core libraries and an ecosystem of thousands of packages.
Dart provides optimizing ahead-of-time compilation to get predictably high performance and fast startup across mobile devices and the web.
Dart compiles to ARM and x86 code, so that Dart mobile apps can run natively on iOS, Android, and beyond. For web apps, Dart transpiles to JavaScript.
Dart is familiar to many existing developers, thanks to its unsurprising object orientation and syntax. If you already know C++, C#, or Java, you can be productive with Dart in just a few days.
Dart is well-suited to reactive programming, with support for managing short-lived objects—such as UI widgets—through Dart’s fast object allocation and generational garbage collector. Dart supports asynchronous programming through language features and APIs that use
Flutter : Fast development
Flutter’s hot reload helps you quickly and easily experiment, build UIs, add features, and fix bugs faster. Experience sub-second reload times, without losing state, on emulators, simulators, and hardware for iOS and Android.
Work with Google instructors step-by-step to build an app in one codebase that compiles down to native ARM code and has high performance on both iOS and Android. Learn how to develop fast by making use of Flutter’s reactive framework, stateful Hot Reload, and integrated tooling. Customize your app with rich, composable widgets, built-in animations, and a layered, extensible architecture.
Modern, reactive framework
Easily compose your UI with Flutter’s modern reactive framework and rich set of platform, layout, and foundation widgets. Solve your tough UI challenges with powerful and flexible APIs for 2D, animation, gestures, effects, and more.
class CounterState extends State<Counter> {
int counter = 0;
void increment() {
// Tells the Flutter framework that state has changed,
// so the framework can run build() and update the display.
setState(() {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
// This method is rerun every time setState is called.
// The Flutter framework has been optimized to make rerunning
// build methods fast, so that you can just rebuild anything that
// needs updating rather than having to individually change
// instances of widgets.
return Row(
children: <Widget>[
onPressed: increment,
child: Text('Increment'),
Text('Count: $counter'),
Access native features and SDKs
Make your app come to life with platform APIs, 3rd party SDKs, and native code. Flutter lets you reuse your existing Java, Swift, and ObjC code, and access native features and SDKs on iOS and Android.
Accessing platform features is easy. Here is a snippet from our interop example:
Future<Null> getBatteryLevel() async {
var batteryLevel = 'unknown';
try {
int result = await methodChannel.invokeMethod('getBatteryLevel');
batteryLevel = 'Battery level: $result%';
} on PlatformException {
batteryLevel = 'Failed to get battery level.';
setState(() {
_batteryLevel = batteryLevel;
Expressive and Flexible UI
Quickly ship features with a focus on native end-user experiences. Layered architecture allows full customization, which results in incredibly fast rendering and expressive and flexible designs.
Native Performance
Flutter’s widgets incorporate all critical platform differences such as scrolling, navigation, icons and fonts to provide full native performance on both iOS and Android.
Fast Development
Hot Reload in milliseconds to paint your app to life. Use a rich set of fully-customizable widgets to build native interfaces in minutes.
Unified app development
Flutter has the tools and libraries to help you easily bring your ideas to life on iOS and Android. If you don’t have any mobile development experience, Flutter is an easy and fast way to build beautiful mobile apps. If you are an experienced iOS or Android developer, you can use Flutter for your views and leverage much of your existing Java/Kotlin/ObjC/Swift investment.
Beautiful app UIs
- Rich 2D GPU-accelerated APIs
- Reactive framework
- Animation/motion APIs
- Material Components and Cupertino widgets
Fluid coding experience
- Sub-second, stateful hot reload
- Refactor, code completion, etc.
- Dart language and core libs
- Package manager
Full-features apps
- Interop with mobile OS APIs & SDKs
- Gradle: Java/Kotlin
- Cocoapods: ObjC/Swift
- Unit testing
- Integration testing
- On-device testing
- IDE debugger
- Web-based debugger
- async/await aware
- Expression evaluator
- Timeline
- CPU and memory
- In-app perf charts
- Native ARM code
- “Tree shaking” compiler
- Apple App Store
- Google Play Store